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Blog posts of '2023' 'August'

Removing your horse from grass - what I have learnt
Removing your horse from grass - what I have learnt
Last year I removed my horse from the grass to try and resolve some weird issues he was having. These are the things I have learnt about having horses off grass. Removing a horse from grass seems to be something that is recommended, in my opinion, far to quickly. It was an absolute last resort for me. Horses are designed to eat grass, not live not eating it but unfortunately that doesn't work for every horse. Having a horse off grass involves a lot more work and its very expensive so consider carefully if this is right for your horse. This is MY experience and should not replace qualified expert advice. If you are taking your horse off the grass, please talk to a nutritionist to make sure you have all their nutritional needs covered. It is NOT just a matter of not feeding them grass. You need to replace what they would be getting from the grass.