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Blog posts of '2023' 'January'

Home made fly spray recipe
Home made fly spray recipe
This time of the year flies are the bane of many horses lives. Annoying little buggers! I have been using a homemade remedy for years that I have found quite effective for my horses. I’ve seen different variations of a similar thing around but this is what works for me.
Washing saddle pads
Washing saddle pads
Wash saddle pads the easy way AND save your washing machine. Washing saddle pads without wrecking the washing machine or filling it with hair that then ends up on your clothes is the bane of the horse riders life! Not everyone has access to a separate machine to use for horse stuff. If this is you, read on!
Did you know saddle soap shouldn’t be used to clean gear?
Did you know saddle soap shouldn’t be used to clean gear?
Did you know saddle soap shouldn’t be used to clean gear? *mind blown*. Why not I hear you ask and just how should you clean your gear? Read on