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Blog posts of '2022' 'December'

Choosing the right shampoo for your horse
Choosing the right shampoo for your horse
Horses have natural oils on their skin that you don’t want to disrupt. Just like us, horses secrete an oily substance called sebum, which helps protect their mane and maintain healthy skin. This is key to maintaining a healthy, glowing coat. The wrong shampoo can strip these oils and cause more harm than good. This is why it’s important to take the time to sort through the deciding factors and choose the right shampoo for your horse
How to clean your horse brushes
How to clean your horse brushes
No matter which brushes you choose to use on your horse, looking after them so they last a long time and do their job is important. Brushes are designed to clean your horse. Brushing your horse with a dirty brush means you are transferring that dust, sweat and dirt back to your horse’s coat which defeats the purpose! Ideally you are using a curry to clean the brush after every few strokes which removes the dust and sweat from the brush but over time, the grime will build up in your brush. If you neglect them long enough, dirty brush bristles will begin to clump together, becoming even less effective for cleaning your horse. Keeping your brushes clean not only means they do their job properly and last longer, it also means you are reducing the build-up of bacteria.